
AutoCAD Command Shortcuts Keyboard Guide

AutoCAD command shortcuts list for you. Here is a list of most used AutoCAD shortcuts for the comman command to speed up your drawing project works.

You should learn AutoCAD hotkeys and commands with the AutoCAD Shortcut Keyboard guide to help you work faster and be more efficient while using AutoCAD software.

AutoCAD Command Shortcuts basic Keyboard Guide

Click on the image view large size

AutoCAD basic shortcuts command

AutoCAD Shortcuts Command List

A ARC Draw an arc
AL ALIGN Align an object with another
AP APPLOAD Opens application load dialogue box
AR ARRAY Opens array dialogue box
AUDIT AUDIT Audit drawing for errors
AV DSVIEWER Opens ariel view of drawing
B BLOCK Opens block dialogue box
C CIRCLE Draw a circle
CO COPY Copy an object
CHA CHAMFER Chamfer between 2 non-parallel lines
COL COLOR Opens select color dialogue box
CUI Opens customise user interface dialogue
D DIMSTYLE Opens dimstyle manager
DC ADCENTER Opens designcenter
DI DIST Check a distance
DIV DIVIDE Inserts point node a set division
DO DONUT Draw a solid donut shape
DV DVIEW Perspective view
E ERASE Erase a selection
EX EXTEND Extend a selection
F FILLET Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines
FI FILTER Opens filter dialogue box
G GROUP Launches the group dialogue box
H HATCH Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box
I INSERT Insert a block
IM IMAGE Launches image manager
J JOIN Joins 2 objects to form single object
JPGOUT JPGOUT Creates a JPEG file of current drawing
L LINE Draw a line
LA LAYER Opens layer manager
LE QLEADER Draw a leader line (may need to adjust settings)
LEAD LEADER Leader line with annotation
LI or LS LIST Display information about objects in a text window
LO -LAYOUT Creates a new layout tab
LTS LTScale Change the linetype scale
M MOVE Move a selection
MA MATCHPROPERTIES Match properties of an object
ME MEASURE Inserts point node at input distance
O OFFSET Offset a selection
OP OPTIONS Launches options dialogue box
P PAN Pan in drawing
PE POLYEDIT Edit a polyline
PL PLINE Draw a polyline
PLOT PLOT Opens plot/print dialogue box
PO POINT Point marker or node – DDPTYPE to change pointstyle
PR PROPERTIES Opens properties dialogue box
PRE PREVIEW Preview a plot
PU PURGE Opens purge dialogue box to remove unused elements
RE REGEN Regenerate the display
REC RECTANG Draw a rectangle
REN RENAME Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc
RO ROTATE Rotate a selection
SP SPELL Spell check a selection – ALL to check entire drawing
T MTEXT Insert multiline text
TB TABLE Opens insert a table dialogue box
TP TOOLPALETTES Displays toolpalette
TR TRIM Trim a selection
U UNDO Undo last command
UN UNITS Opens units dialogue box
V VIEW Opens view dialogue box
W WBLOCK Write a block
WHOHAS WHOHAS Displays who has a drawing open
X EXPLODE Explode a selection
XR XREF Opens x-reference manager
Z ZOOM Zoom in display – A=All, E=EXTENTS, W=WINDOW



AutoCAD Shortcuts A to Z PDF File

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