
What is Construction Management Plan – Download CMP Templates

Construction Management Plan (CMP) can be used by a client or a contractor depending on their needs and organise management procedures. The Clients use mostly CMP arranging entire the project from initial business goals to evaluation after delivery.

A Construction Management Plan detailing building task schedules and costs, frequently prepared by the contractor, with detailed information on how the construction work itself is to be accomplished.

A CMP addressing the impact of the construction project on the area around it, where the plan layout and content may follow a fixed format defined by the municipality concerned.

The “Business Plan” CMP

A business plan CMP necessary for the larger the project because it explains the what and the where of the project, why it is being done, how it will be done, and who will do it, by when.

Sections in this kind of CMP might include:

  • Business benefit
  • planning permission
  • Project Description
  • Client’s construction manager/team
  • Project design
  • Bid and contract process
  • Construction process
  • Occupation and defects liability period
  • Evaluation after occupation


The “Building Site” CMP

Construction site CMP Depends on the size and nature of a building project. it may include demolition and excavation.

Items covered often include:

  • Public safety and site security
  • Operating hours
  • Controls to limit noise and vibration
  • Proper management of air, dust, storm water and sediment
  • Waste and materials re-use
  • Traffic management.

Sample Construction Management Plan Templates Download PDF

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