Quantity surveyors often use standard abbreviations when preparing a bill of quantity, take off or construction specification. It is essential for the student has a knowledge of these abbreviations. The following abbreviations have been used by quantity surveyor so you should familiarise with these terms. Also, check out Commonly used abbreviations in construction industry and civil engineering.
Common Abbreviations in Quantity Surveying
a.b. | as before |
a.b.d. | as before described |
a.b.s. | as before specified |
a.m.e. | bill, measure and extend |
b.i. | build in |
CL | centre line |
c.p. | chromium plated |
cts | centres |
ddt | deduct |
descd. | described |
dia. | diameter |
dim./dimsd. | dimensioned |
dist. | distance |
ditto./do. | as before |
d.p.c. | damp proof course |
drg./dwg. | drawing |
ea. | each |
E.o. | extra over |
ex | extra/out of |
f/c | final cost |
F.F.L. | finished floor level |
F.L. | floor level |
f.s. | finished size |
ftgs | footings |
galvd | galvanised |
G.F.A. | gross floor area |
G.L. | ground level |
GPO | general purpose outlet |
HDUPVC | heavy duty unplasticised polyvinyl chloride |
HE | fitment hook end allowance |
I.L | invert level |
in-situ | in position |
O.T.R. | other than rock |
P.C. | prime cost |
P.C.A. | plumb cut allowance |
p.v.a. | polyvinyl acetate |
p.v.c. | polyvinyl chloride |
rebar | bar reinforcement |
R.L. | reduced level |
R.O.Z.C. | red oxide zinc chromate |
SMM | Standard Method of Measurement |
specfn | specification |
t.c. | terraction |
T & G | tongue and groove |
UPVC | unplasticised polyvinyl chloride |
v.c. | vitrified clay |
w. | with |
xtg. | existing |