
Brick Calculator – Bricks Per Square Meter or Bricks Per Square Feet

If you want to know how many bricks needed per square meter or square feet, in this post we are going to discuss brick quantity calculation. You can use this brick quantity calculator formula for your house or wall construction.

The standard co-ordinating size for brickwork is 225 mm x 112.5 mm x 75 mm (length x depth x height). This includes 10 mm mortar joints, and so actual size of a common brick is 215 x 102.5 x 65 mm. There are varieties of bricks such as common bricks, facing bricks, engineering bricks, modular, queen, jumbo, closure, king, norman, roman and utility bricks.

Number of bricks for 1 Cubic meter brickwork

Standard dimensions of brick in metric units are 225 x 112.5 x 75 mm.

  1. multiply these dimensions to get the volume of a brick, 0.225 m x 0.1125 m x 0.075 m=0.00189 cubic meter.
  2. In one cubic meter, number of bricks will be (1/0.00189)=529.1 bricks.
  3. 10% of brickwork will be covered by mortar.
  4. Subtract 10% bricks from the 529.1, you will get 529.1-52.91=476.20 bricks.
  5. Add 5% wastage of bricks.
  6. 5% of 476.20 is 23.80 bricks.
  7. Add 23.80 and 476.20 to get number of bricks in one cubic meter brickwork.
  8. 23.80+476.20=500 bricks.

Brick Calculator - Bricks Per Square Meter or Bricks Per Square Feet
